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Say goodbye to foul odors: Uncover the secrets of why your retainers smell!

Retainers are an essential orthodontic tool used to maintain a newly aligned smile after the braces or clear aligners treatment. Once teeth-straightening is done, there is still a chance of an orthodontic relapse. Orthodontists advise wearing retainers as a post-care treatment to prevent teeth from shifting back to their original place.

Orthodontic patients often complain about their retainers having foul odors. It not only impacts an individual's overall oral hygiene but also affects retainers' wear time. Let us get an insight into the factors that contribute to the foul odors of retainers and how to prevent them.

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Reasons for smelly retainers

There are different types of retainers, including Hawley retainers and clear retainers. Any type of retainer is prone to developing foul odors over time. The following are the common reasons for retainers to develop odors over time.

1. Bacterial growth

The most common cause of foul odors in retainers is bacterial buildup. Our mouth is full of good and bad bacteria. Wearing retainers consistently for long hours, especially without cleaning, might give a chance for bacteria to grow. The mouth can be the perfect breeding ground for bacteria in a warm and moist environment.

2. Plaque buildup

Food particles can be trapped in your retainers, causing plaque buildup. These particles can further lead to foul odors and unpleasant smells. It can make the retention phase uncomfortable, making orthodontic patients insecure about having a foul smell.

3. Poor oral hygiene

During your retention phase, if you do not maintain your retainers well, there are high chances of bacterial and plaque buildup. This bacterial growth doesn't only have an impact on your teeth but also hinders the effectiveness of your device.

4. Lifestyle factors

Factors such as the intake of certain foods and beverages can be the reason for smelly retainers. Acidic beverages and food like onion or garlic have strong odors that may cause a foul smell to your retainers.

How to prevent your retainers from foul odors?

Orthodontic retainers may catch a foul smell over time. However, it is important to take precautionary measures and prevent your retainers from getting foul odors while they offer effective treatment. Here are some of the tips to maintain your retainers to prevent them from getting foul odors.

Regular cleaning

It is extremely essential to maintain your orthodontic devices. Clean your retainers regularly to prevent yourself from getting any bacteria or plaque buildup. Use a soft-bristled brush and non-abrasive toothpaste to clean them before and after usage.

Good oral hygiene

Ensure regular brushing and flossing of your teeth to keep your oral hygiene intact. This way your teeth will stay clean, and no food particles or bacteria can transfer to retainers.

Proper storage

It is extremely important to store your retainers well in place. By keeping them directly in your purse or drawer, there are high chances of them getting bacteria. The best way to store your retainers is in a well-ventilated container to prevent them from catching any bacteria. Most importantly, you must let your device dry before storing it.

Monitoring lifestyle factors

Be mindful of your food intake, and ensure proper brushing of your teeth after having strong odor foods. However, clean your retainers well to prevent them from getting any foul odor. However, even after cleaning your device well, the smell continues, so it may be time for you to get your retainers replaced.

To learn more about retainers, contact us at +44 20 3872 2812.

To sum it up, retainers are an essential phase of orthodontic teeth-straightening. They help in maintaining your hard-earned smile. However, over time certain factors may lead to causing foul smells to your retainers. The most common factors include oral hygiene, bacteria, and plaque buildup. However, by properly cleaning your retainers, practicing good oral hygiene, and storing your device properly, you can prevent your retainers from developing a foul smell.


Why are my retainers smelly?

Your retainers' smell could be caused by poor oral hygiene, bacterial buildup, or plaque.

How to get rid of the retainer's foul smell?

Ensure good oral hygiene, clean your retainers regularly, and store them in a well-ventilated container to prevent them from developing a foul smell.