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Do you need overcorrection aligners or just clear aligners?

Clear Aligners are the king of teeth straightening. They are affordable, discreet, convenient and easy to use. With the introduction of at home straightening plans, their popularity is soaring.

Overcorrection aligners are the older, stricter brother of Clear Aligners that provide strategic adjustments beyond the final desired position of the teeth, to cater to teeth relapse tendencies. They future-proof your teeth’s alignment against relapses.

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners are made of clear, medical-grade plastic. They are trays, custom-made as per an individual's teeth imprints to give a snug fit over your teeth.

They work by applying subtle pressure with each new tray and shifting the teeth into their desired position over time. This results in straighter teeth, without significant discomfort or pain.

Take a free smile assessment to see if you are a candidate for clear aligners.

What are overcorrection aligners?

They are also called refinement aligners and they ‘refine’ the alignment of your teeth by shifting the teeth into a desired position, beyond straightening.

Teeth naturally tend to shift back to their original position. Sometimes force from chewing can cause this relapse. Overcorrection aligners cater to this, by shifting the teeth a little extra, this way when the teeth relapse, they relapse into a straight position.


Overcorrection aligners 

Aligners gradually shift teeth to a new desired position over the course of treatment to straighten them

Overcorrection aligners shift teeth slightly beyond their aligned position during treatment.

They are used to align teeth with each set of aligners gradually progressing the teeth toward the desired alignment

They are part of the treatment plan to ensure that teeth settle into their final desired position after the aligner treatment is completed.

They generally work on all teeth to reposition them by the end of the treatment.

They provide stability of aligned teeth and account for potential relapse tendencies.


 How do overcorrection aligners work?

Overcorrection aligners are a popular choice as a part of an ongoing aligner treatment plan. They work by a similar mechanism as clear aligners do.

They come in numbered clear plastic trays, tailor-made according to the dental imprints of an individual and each tray exerts strategic pressure on teeth to shift them beyond alignment to cater to expected teeth relapse.

Benefits of overcorrection aligner

For those who do need them, overcorrection aligners come with great benefits:

  • Fewer relapses: Overcorrecting aligners are often prescribed towards the end of an aligner treatment plan and they prevent teeth from shifting out of place after treatment. This provides enhanced stability and ensures a lasting straight set of teeth.
  • Fewer retreatments: Due to teeth relapse, several patients have to undergo another straightening treatment a couple of years after they have completed their initial straightening plan.

    By reducing the chances of relapse, overcorrection aligners may decrease the need for retreatment or additional straightening in the future.

Overcorrection aligners vs clear aligners

Clear aligners and refinement aligners both work in harmony but serve different purposes. They are not interchangeable, with over-correction aligners usually complimenting a clear aligner treatment plan.
Therefore, both are effective, but only clear aligners will straighten your teeth.

If you have concerns about including overcorrection aligners into your clear aligner treatment, ask your aligner provider or consult your orthodontist

Pay as low as £95/month for your Caspersmile clear aligners

How to avoid overcorrection

While your dentist has the final say, some patients don’t undergo overcorrection because they instead choose to wear retainers for a longer period of time.

After completing teeth straightening treatment with aligners or braces, retainers are often prescribed to help teeth retain their newly acquired position. Retainers help stabilize the teeth and prevent them from shifting back to their original positions.

This is why wearing a retainer can reduce the need for overcorrection aligners. Regular use of retainers as recommended by your orthodontist can help maintain the results for a lifetime.

Did You Know? 
Caspersmile offers free retainers with Its clear aligners for only £1175


Will overcorrection aligners straighten my teeth?

No, they will move your teeth beyond straightening, because your teeth will shift a little after treatment completion.

Will an overcorrection aligner hurt?

You will face discomfort when overcorrecting your teeth.

Can I avoid overcorrection aligners?

While we recommend consulting with your dentist for the final say, retainers can help avoid the need for overcorrection.